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AML & Sanctions Services

The USA PATRIOT Act requires financial institutions to establish Anti-Money Laundering compliance programs to help prevent and detect potential money laundering and terrorist financing.  In recent years, institutions that fail to implement satisfactory programs have been forced to pay increasingly high monetary penalties.  In addition to fines, institutions have also faced restrictions on their ability to expand and operate within certain business lines leading to additional loss of revenue and shareholder value.


​How Pinnacle Can Help

Pinnacle’s team of highly-skilled investigators have assisted banks, insurance companies, broker dealers, investment firms, hedge funds, and money service businesses with both proactive and regulatory-mandated  transactional reviews to uncover potential money laundering, terrorist financing, and sanctions violations.  Our team can advise your organization on transaction monitoring rule development and optimization across a wide variety of software platforms, conduct investigations to identify potentially suspicious transactions, draft case summaries and suspicious activity reports, perform quality assurance reviews, and conduct in-depth, specialized reviews in response to subpoena requests or high-risk client monitoring. 


Our team has assisted clients with large and small transaction monitoring look-back projects, clearing of alert backlogs, and temporary staff augmentation needs.  Additionally, our team is experienced with conducting both AML as well as fraud investigations, with many investigators having prior law enforcement experience and CAMS and CFE certifications. 

​Our AML & Sanctions Services Include:

• AML Transaction Monitoring & Investigations
• Sanctions/OFAC Filtering & Lookback Services
• FCC Risk Assessment and Audit Support
• AML/Sanctions Software Tuning & Optimization

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